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Dental Hygienist & Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is one of the two most prevalent issues treated by dentist, the other being tooth decay, Among the causes for periodontal (gum) disease are genetic susceptibility, smoking, and other illnesses like diabetes, however the most common reason is simply poor oral hygiene. Periodontal maintenance involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line. Most gum diseases are preventable with proper oral hygiene. However, what can start out as gingivitis (inflamed or bleeding gums) can quickly turn into periodontitis. In such cases, gums pull away from the tooth to create “pockets,” thereby exposing a dental root to infection. It can also lead to prolonged bad breath, loose teeth, painful chewing and other complications.

Diagnosing Gum Disease

Our dentists always carry out a screening examination to assess the health of the gums. During this assessment it is possible to determine whether a patient has just localised gum inflammation or more severe gum disease. The signs of gum disease often include one or more of the following:-

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or even whilst eating

  • Red, swollen gums

  • Bad breath

  • Spaces appearing between teeth

  • Loose teeth or teeth moving position in the mouth

  • Receding gums

  • Sensitivity to cold or hot foods and drinks

Treatment for Gum Disease

Treatment aims to reduce bacteria around teeth and prevent the disease from getting worse. Generally though, treatment cannot replace the support teeth have already lost. If the condition is severe, it may be necessary to refer to our in-house periodontal (gum) specialist. Treatment usually involves:-

  • Advice on the best methods of cleaning teeth and gums to remove dental plaque. Treatment will only work if teeth are cleaned properly, twice a day, to a high standard

  • Cleaning daily between your teeth with interdental brushes - or floss if the gaps between teeth are too tight for brushes

  • Utilising a small headed toothbrush or a good quality power brush - our hygienists can help with this

  • The tartar above the gum-line can be removed by our hygienists

  • Any bacteria below the gum line can be removed by our hygienists or dentists deep cleaning your teeth. You can ask for an injection to make your gums and teeth numb if you prefer n Mouthwashes may help with very mild gum disease but may mask more serious gum disease